Wednesday, July 21, 2010

5 Tips on falling asleep quickly

Sometimes it's hard to fall asleep or your sleep quality is low and you feel very tired in the morning. By following these tips you can get rid of sleeping problems.

Tip 1.

During the day, try to be as active as possible. By saying active, i mean going for a run and doing other things besides sitting on the couch watching television. By using energy during the day, you'll fall asleep easier in the evening.

Tip 2.

Avoid eating before going to bed. Most worst things to eat before sleeping is caffeine and nicotine. Remember that even if alcohol makes you sleepy, it's only light sleep and you wake up easily and the quality of sleep suffers and you'll feel sleepy in the morning even if you slept for a long time.

Tip 3.

Try to clear your mind, think nothing. When thinking all the events happened during the past day, you'll change your sleeping position alot which makes your falling asleep harder. Good way to clear your mind is to write the events of past day down before going to sleep to get them off your mind.

Other good method is trying to imagine a button like this "Imagination ON - OFF" and turn it off in your mind. Every time you notice you're thinking something, try not to and concentrate to look into your eye lids where you see nothing.

Tip 4.

Use calm music. Hearing calm music like some chill out music when going to sleep on a really low volume, makes your mind calm. That way it's much easier to fall asleep.

Tip 5.

Try to get your sleeping environment as dim as possible because exposure to sunlight makes falluing asleep harder.

If none of these tips work for you, you could try to use chemical sleep aids. Altough that is not recommended until you have tried all non-medical ways. Remember to practice these tips for some time before resorting to medical ways of falling asleep.

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